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Health News Head Line

Nutrition and prevention of disease
Alzheimer's Could Be Diabetes-like Illness, Study Suggests By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter (Nov 30, 05)
Folates more effective in limiting Alzheimer's disease risk than antioxidants, other nutrient

"Vitamin D" key to the lung health (17 December): Patients with higher vitamin D levels in their blood had significantly better lung function, a University of Auckland team found in a study of 14,091 people.

ST. PAUL, MN – Women who take vitamin D supplements through multivitamins are 40 percent less likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) than women who do not take supplements, according to a study published in the January 13 issue of Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
Soy Extract reduced PSA levels in men with untreated prostate cancer, UC David study shows. 
People with a higher intake of Vitamin B6 were found to have a lower risk of colon, prostate, lung, gastric and pancreatic cancers.
Source: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

The Penn researchers demonstrated that Aspirin also lessens the inflammation associated with atherosclerosis and stablizes athersclerotic plaque. Their findings are presented in the current issue of Circulation.

Other Articles about cancers
Mayo Clinic Reports Breakthrough Treatment For HER2-positive Breast Cancer(10/19/05)
Omega-6 Fats Cause Prostate Tumors To Grow Twice As Fast
Contact: Steve Tokar
415-221-4810 x5202
University of California - San Francisco
Red Wine Lovers, Take Heart: More Evidence Points to the Drink's Cardiac Health Benefits
Drinking red wine could protect against lung cancer, but white may increase the risk  
Good News for Red Wine Drinkers: Researcher Discover That A protein in Grape Skin Can Kill Cancer Cells.

Resveratrol Prolongs Lifespan And Delays Onset Of Aging-Related Traits In A Short-Lived Vertebrate
Contact: Heidi Hardman
Scientists have shown for the first time that EGCG, which is present in green tea at relatively high concentrations, inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which is a recognized, established target for anti-cancer drugs.
Tea Component (EGCG) kills B-cell Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells (Yahoo news,)
Distribution of full line of sportswear, OEM available
  Browse Products and Service
Products of anti-aging, anti-oxidant, Chemo prevention of cancer, prevention of heart diseases.....
Aging research, T cell long term culture, DNA, RNA of  human T cell, natural killer cells, human B cell lines.....
manufactured California honey.  export and import of bee products: honey, Royal jelly, bee pollen.  provide industry honey.
Isotonic product line, HGH product line, anti-aging product line, cancer prevention , diabetes and heart disease prevention...
Ultra-sensitive HIV, Hepatitis B, A viral load tests, biotechnology transferring, clinical trial management...
Contract manufacture and private labeling of nutrition products...
The UCLA CARE center is conducting  research studies of an experimental vaccine against HIV.  Participants needed for research studies.....
managed by medical research professional, specialized in research and development of new nutritional products...
Two new jobs opening for B cell Lymphomas study in UCLA...
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Omega 3 Fatty Acids are more important than  you think
Distribute our deep sea fish oil.....

Biomedical research products and services
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Fax: 714-997-1956


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Personalized Nutrition Formula Service

· Make customized nutrition products based on individual health conditions....
· 2006 promotion of raw ingredients: 95% pine bark $59/kg, 95% grape seed extract $59/kg.
· More News of Cancer prevention

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Cancer and nutrition
Vitamins and minerals
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People lived with cancer
Daily value of nutrition and minerals
People lived with cancer
Prostate Cancer and the diet
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Benefits of soy and soy isoflavnones

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· GROWYOUNG Natural HGH Releaser Drink Powder - an amazing new product...
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Product information

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Oral spray HGH 
Oral spray IFG-1
Natural HGH Releaser capsule and Drink Powder
Isotonic OPC-super Drink powder
Diabetes formula
GreenDew Skin Food
Women Care
Isotonic 72 minerals Drink Powder
Fat Block
Colostrum and protein Powder
Joint Support
Bio-VC Calcium
Soy Isoflavones
Preventive formula 1(for high risk of cancer)
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